Thursday, March 18, 2010

Merry Christmas from Pa!

A while back I started looking at what kind of beds I wanted for Mitch and Jake since they are sharing a room. It was almost time to move Jake out of the crib, and I didn't have a bed to move him to. I knew what I wanted and I just couldn't see myself paying what Pottery Barn was asking for them. Actually, let me correct that, I couldn't see me talking Gary into paying them! So...I thought...PA (my Dad)! And Pa delivered...For Christmas, he made the boys beds!

Here is Daddy and Pa putting the first one together.

Just you think Jake likes his new "big boy" bed?

The finished product (the bed I need to paint!)

Mitch thought it was fun to play in the bed while they were putting it together.

And here's Pa with his two favorite grandsons! (I can say that because they are his ONLY two grandsons!)

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