Monday, April 21, 2008

First Soccer Game

Mitch had his first soccer game this past Saturday! It was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Mitch had 14 people there just watch him! We had lots of family in from out of town for his birthday, so they got the added bonus of being able to see his first ever organized sports game. Mitch did great! He was right in the middle of it all the whole time! Of course, there was the required inspection of the grass, also. Luckily, he saved that for when he was "taking a break". He really had a great time, and it was so much fun to watch him. I can't believe how grown he is getting. The game was an hour long, and he got a little tired and a little bored before it was over. Here are some great pictures "Daddy" took at the game. He is much better photographer than I am! (Mitch is Number 4, and that is his buddy, Gabe with the long blond hair)

Someone is going to have to tell Mitch to push the other team, not his teammates! (Nice shot, Daddy!)

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