Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things that make you go..."Aaahhh!"

Ok, so "Hero Worship" may actually be an understatement! Mitch follows Jack around everywhere these days, and can't seem to get close enough to him. At dinner the other night, Mitch, as usual, insisted on sitting beside Jack. He scooted his chair so close to Jack's that it butted right up to his. Mitch proceeded to sit through dinner with his head on Jack's shoulder! Jack, being the trooper that he is, tolerated it all pretty well....until it interfered with his eating! Of course, I couldn't pass up that photo-op! But...when I broke out the camera, this was what I got!
I had Bunco with the girls last night, so Gary was home with Mitch and Jake. When I got home at about 11:00pm, this is what I found! Mitch, Gary, Spiderman, and Dog all asleep in Mitch's twin bed!

Everyone say it with me, "Aaahhh!"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jake's first haircut

Saturday, October 11, at just over 11 months old, Jake had his first haircut. He actually did much better than I expected! I had to hold him, but he didn't cry at all. Mr. Curious just kept trying to see what Eric (the guy cutting his hair) was doing. Look at my little dude! it may be one of the worst pictures ever of me, but I think it's great of Jake and his new "do"!


Last weekend, Mitch was playing with his Magna-Doodle while I was getting ready. He came into the bathroom, and said, "Look Mommy! I wrote my name!" Guess what? He really did! I can't believe how much my "baby" is growing up! In typical kid fashion, the letters aren't all in the correct order, or even in the correct direction, but they are all there! Of course, he would have to write it for the first time ever on a Magna-Doodle, so I couldn't I took pictures! :) Check it out!

In case you don't see it....Here is the translation...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

11 month update!

Can you believe it is already that time? Jake is 11 months old (11 months and 3 days to be know I'm always behind on these updates)! He is growing up so fast! I can't believe that he is almost a year old! Where has the time gone?
Jake has become quite the little explorer these days. He likes to open and close every drawer and door within his reach. He spends the whole time I am getting ready in the mornings opening my cabinet door and drawers. And I spend the whole time saying, "No!...No Jake!...Jacob, I said No!" and moving him out of the way. It's pretty much the same story in the kitchen. He already knows which cabinets and drawers he can get into there. He throws all of the can koozies and bibs out of the drawers all over the kitchen, and just a couple of days ago he found the tupperware drawer...uh oh! I looked over and the only thing I could see of him was his bottom sticking out of the cabinet...he was climbing all of the way in it! I ran for the camera, but by the time I found it, this is all I was able to capture...He pulls up on EVERYTHING these days. I have to make sure my elastic pj pants are tied, too, or he would pull them off of me trying to stand up! He tried to pull up on his buddy, Luke (who is 9 moths old), and knocked him flat on his bottom! Every now and then, if he is desparate to get ahold of something, he'll take a couple of very tentative steps while he holds onto something, but I wouldn't exactly say he's "cruising" yet. I don't expect him to be walking too soon.

He is pretty much off of baby food. He will still eat it, but mostly he's eating table food these days...and lots of it! He loves Mac 'n' Cheese (who doesn't?) and green beans. So far, those seem to be his favorites. That...along with anything he happens to find on the floor, anyway. Here is picture of him shovelling Mac 'n' Cheese in his mouth two fistfulls at a time!
Jake loves to play Peek-a-Boo and Patty-Cake. Every time I put him in his crib, he pulls his blanket over his head and Peek-a-Boos! He just giggles every time! It's the best! And Mitch...he can do no wrong in Jake's eyes! As soon as he sees Mitch every morning, he just grins his biggest, happiest grin! Mitch fell asleep in the car the other, and Jake kept trying to wake him up. He was just yelling at him! If you know Mitch, you know that it didn't work...nothing wakes that child up!

Jake is still great at playing by himself or with others. He LOVES toys...especially trucks and tractors! Lucky for me, he still hasn't tried to climb the stairs. We were at Lindsay's (a.k.a. Cee-Cee's) house today, and they have carpeted stairs, and he climbed up those. I think the hardwood stairs scare him as much as they do me.

He stills says "ma-ma" some, but not as much as he did, and he says "da" for "daddy" now, but that is about the extent of his vocabulary. The rest of the time, he just jabbers and/or yells.

I guess that is about it for this month's update, so I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures of Jake! Lindsay took it at the farm a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yep... I'm still alive!

Sorry for the long absence...No good reason, just can't seem to get my act together. It seems I am always behind these days! But...I'm back now!

September has been a busy month for the Roberts family. We had my birthday (the 17th), Gary's birthday (the 29th), soccer (Mitch), and football (Alex). Plus, we've been enjoying the fall days. We've already been to the pumpkin patch twice. Mitch LOVES it! Jake enjoys eating the hay, too. Jack got to go with us the first time we went, and Lindsay got some great pictures of my boys! Here are a few of them.

Jake and Luke
Me and Jake
Jack and Mitch searching for the perfect pumpkin

Can you believe how grown up Jack is? Gary says this is his "rocker" look!
Here are a couple of my favorite pics...Two years ago, just a few months after Lindsay and I met, we went to the farm with the boys for the first time (only 3 boys there's 5!)...Here is a pic of Mitch and Gabe from that visit and one from this year! I love it! many years do you think we can keep this going?