Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things that make you go..."Aaahhh!"

Ok, so "Hero Worship" may actually be an understatement! Mitch follows Jack around everywhere these days, and can't seem to get close enough to him. At dinner the other night, Mitch, as usual, insisted on sitting beside Jack. He scooted his chair so close to Jack's that it butted right up to his. Mitch proceeded to sit through dinner with his head on Jack's shoulder! Jack, being the trooper that he is, tolerated it all pretty well....until it interfered with his eating! Of course, I couldn't pass up that photo-op! But...when I broke out the camera, this was what I got!
I had Bunco with the girls last night, so Gary was home with Mitch and Jake. When I got home at about 11:00pm, this is what I found! Mitch, Gary, Spiderman, and Dog all asleep in Mitch's twin bed!

Everyone say it with me, "Aaahhh!"

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