Last Friday, he had his 15 month check-up. He is 26 pounds, and 32.25 inches long. That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight, and 80th percentile for height. I keep telling you all that their is height in my's just "diluted"! :) Then again, so is the red hair, and he certainly got that! I am so excited to say that I believe the red hair is here to stay! It does appear to be lightening to a more strawberry color, though.
Oh...and as for his little personality...this is the sweetest child in the world! He LOVES to give and get kisses! And his little smile will just melt your heart! He is definitely a more sensitive kid. If I get onto him for anything, he drops his head and won't look at me. And if I am upset with him for something, he tries to love on me or make me laugh...anything to win me back! :) He's a VERY good listener! I am constantly amazed at how well he follows instruction. I'm sure in another year, I'll look back at this post and laugh and that sentence when he won't do anything I ask him to! But, for now...I'll just enjoy it!
He and Mitch are playing so well together these days, too! Mitch loves his baby brother, and the feeling is mutual! They love to wrestle and sword fight! They also like to run together down the front hall in the house. I'm wondering how much longer it will be before Mitch is annoyed with Jake following him everywhere! But, again, for now...I'll just enjoy it!
I believe that's about it...I'll leave you with some recent pics of my baby...oops...I mean toddler!
This is something we see at our house almost every day. Jake loves to get my headbands out of my drawer and wear them. Needless to say, Gary really isn't too crazy about this habit!
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