Saturday, February 14, 2009

Park Days in February

It has been ridiculously cold for Tennesee this winter, so when the weather finally gave us a break, we hit the park! It has actually stayed nice here for the last week or more, so we have gotten to visit the park a few times.

Thursday, after we picked the kids up from school, my friend, Suzanne and I took the boys to the park. She has "Jack Jones" who is Mitch's age, and they live in our neighborhood. They ran all over the playground and played in the dirt for 2 full hours! There was a boy there who was a couple of years or so older than Mitch and Jack, and he kept tackling Jack. Jack would try to get away from him, but he kept chasing him. After a while, Mitch decided it was up to him to save the day. He looked at Jack and said, "I got this!" (Where did he learn that?!?) Then he ran right up to the boy and jumped to a stop with his arm straight out and his palm out and said, "I force field you! SSCCHHH!" Amazingly, it worked! The kid left Jack alone after that!

Jake wasn't quite as hyper as Mitch was. He was going on only a 30 minute nap all day, and he was so tired! He laid down on the sidewalk and put his head down to rest in the middle of the park! How long did he stay there?, you ask....Well, until I figured out that he wasn't going to get up on his own, so I picked him up and held him for a while....all 26 pounds of him! Then...he almost fell asleep in the swing. But mostly, he was happy finding and playing with sticks on the ground and pieces of playground mulch.

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