Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pickin' N Grinnin'

Mitch, Jake, and I went to pick Strawberries with my mom last month. Amazingly, I am 33 years old and it was the first time I remember ever doing this! We really lucked out, too...In a month of uncommonly HOT June days, we actually had a very nice day to go. Jake had a blast running in the rows with his basket, and Mitch actually got in there and picked some. little city boy, Mitch! We are in the middle of a strawberry field, with baskets full of strawberries, and he complains that he is hungry! So...I told him to eat to some strawberries... Seems obvious, right? Mitch says, "But, Mommy...they aren't washed!" He really needs to get out of the city some! :) After much explanation and consideration, he gave in and started eating...unwashed.

Ahhh...he may be a city boy, but he sure is a CUTE city boy! How can he wear a yellow hoodie, with shorts that are almost too small, hiking boots and white socks...and still look this cute?!

And this one....This picture so completely captures my youngest son! Sippy cup in hand, bruise on head, food on face and shirt! The only thing missing in this picture is his mischevious grin!
After we got two big baskets full of strawberries, we went back to my mom's. Mimi (my mom) played outside with the boys while I made my first attempt at home made jelly...with Mom's direction, of course! Yummy! It turned out great...and was surprisingly easy! This will definitely be a new family tradition for us!

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