Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Road Trip!

Last month, Mitch, Jake and I loaded up the Honda Accord and drove the 8-9 hours to visit our friends in Michigan. Christy, her hubby, Mike, and her 3 kids lived in our neighborhood until about a year ago when they moved for Mike's job. (See this post) So, while Gary was gone to Leader's Conference, we went to visit them! It was so wonderful to be able to spend such good time with good friends! And the kids did amazingly well on the drive! Of course, you know the trip is best told in pictures...

Kendyl, Mitch, and Kaitlyn hanging out in their PJs on our first morning. The girls were asleep when we got there, so this was the first time they got to see each other!

For any of you who know Christy, you know she had our week planned out well in advance! Our first day there, Christy and I went to the zoo with our 5 combined kids, and met her friend, Mandy with her 3 kids and her sister. We all had a great time!
The zoo there has a place where you can feed the giraffes!

Mitch and Kaitlyn...Those two sure do love each other!

Jake and Luke looking at the monkeys. They are only 3 weeks apart!

Our attempt at a group picture of all of the kids! FYI, Mike and Mandy's hubby kept ALL of these kids one night so we could go out for a Girls Night Out! What troopers, huh?

Luke, Jake and Christy
Jake and Luke
The next day, we went had a play date with a couple of Christy's friends and their kids. We went to the mall and walked around for a little while. Then ate lunch. Then went to "the jumpies", as Mitch calls it.
Kaitlyn, Mitch, Christy, Kendyl (I had the stroller with the babies)
Mitch and Kendyl were walking ahead of us, and this was our view! Isn't it the cutest?
Then Kaitlyn wanted in on the action...Mitch is going to love these pics some day!
He's going to be crushed when someone tells him he is going to have to choose just one sister one of these days! :)

The kids had a great time at "the jumpies"...especially Jake! He learned how to climb up and go down the slides (the smaller ones) all by himself! Kaitlyn taught him!

After "the jumpies" we went back to Christy's and the kids had a little "rest time". (The babies napped.)
That night was Girls Night Out (the night the guys kept all 8 kids!).
Sad to say that I think this is the ONLY picture EVER of just me and Christy!
Here we are at dinner (and drinks, of course)! Leave it to Christy to have this many girlfriends after only living there for a year! She amazes me!A few of us stuck it out for the Wine Loft for after dinner drinks (and desert for some). We had a fantastic time, and it was so awesome to get to meet so many of Christy's new friends!
The last day there...PAJAMA DAY! We stayed home all day and just played. Christy has a full funished basement that is the kids' playroom. It was awesome!!!!
Here's our rather unsuccessful attempt at a group photo!
Jake and Luke spinning around in circles together
Mitch and Kendyl (aka Mommy and Daddy) pushing their "babies" in strollers around the basement. Yes, Mitch's "baby" is his "night-night"!
And...I saved the best for last! The kids (except Luke, who was asleep) had all been playing downstairs in the basement for a couple of hours. It was a wonderful break, and Christy and I got to just sit and visit with no interruptions...what a concept, huh? Then we heard Kendyl cry, so Christy went to check on her. The next thing I heard was Christy, "Nicole....Come down here...and bring your camera!" This is what I found! Jake is NOT going to like this picture some day...but I do! My rough and tumble all-boy boy dressed up in a princess dress...complete with tiara! Gary says I'm not allowed to go back! :)


Suzanne M. Jones said...

Looks like an action packed trip! That last one of Jake is priceless... you should send that in to Parents Magazine - I bet it would get published.

Nicole said...

Suzanne, I think Gary would KILL me!

Cody and Shana said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I just now opened up my blog, I hadn't gone to in a while and saw several sweet comments. I'm sure I will be in TN one day soon with little Reese!