Friday, September 4, 2009

Mitch's First T-Ball Season

Well, I guess one good thing about being so far behind is that I can do one post for the entire T-ball season!

Mitch has been dying to play Baseball since he saw some kids at Sonic in their uniforms over a year ago, and this summer he finally got his chance...and he did great! Just ask him, he'll be glad to tell you all about it! :)

Here are some pics from his very first practice. He was really good at hitting...had some of the best hits on his team throughout the year!
And throwing...again...he was really good! The coach kept telling him he would be a pitcher some day. He was really excited when he found his Uncle Matt used to be a pitcher.
And fielding the ball...well, he can't be great at everything...then you would just think I was bragging! :)
Here are some from his games! Yes, he is missing his hat! We got ready to leave for the first game and I couldn't find his hat anywhere. I never did find it. Almost a week later, Jake came walking into the living room wearing it. I'm convinced he hid it somewhere! (At least it was easy to figure out which one was him!) We finally decided to keep it in the car, so that we would always have it with us.
This is one of the team and their coaches/helpers after their last game.'s Mitch getting his trophy from Coach Heath. Of course, Jake didn't like being left out of the action...he wanted to know where his trophy was!
Of course, the most important thing was that he had a blast! He loved going to practices more than he did the games because he got more turns. He did what the coaches asked of him, and he always played the whole game (as opposed to picking flowers in outfield).
It truly was a fantastic season...the kids were great, the parents were great, and coaches were amazing! We couldn't have asked for a better first T-Ball experience. We will definitely be playing again in the spring!

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