Saturday, May 10, 2008

Doctor Updates

It is official now...Jake is a BIG baby! At his 6 month appointment yesterday, he weighed in at 18 lbs, 10 oz! (That is almost 3 pounds heavier that Mitch was at 6 months!) He was 28" long. That puts him in the 75th% for weight and 90th% for height. Dr. Moss said everything looked great. He gave Jake a prescription cream for his Eczema on his face because he is scratching it until it bleeds during the night. That cream is amazing cleared up almost completely after ONE DAY! But, the best news all day was... NO HELMET!!! :) Most of you know that this was the visit that we would find out if Dr. Moss thought Jake's flat spot on his head (from the torticollis early on) would round out on its own, or if he would have to suffer through a head shaping helmet. Well, once again, God was sooooo good to us, and it is rounding out on its own, and we don't have to put my sweet, happy baby in a helmet!

Mitch also had his 3 year check-up yesterday. He is such a trooper! He weighed in at 32 lbs and 2 oz. and was around 37-38 inches tall (I think - need to call dr. to confirm that one). He was in the 50th% for both. The nurse had to do a finger prick on him, and he didn't even cry! What a tough little guy! Dr.Moss even said that he has all of the appropriate bruises in all of the right places for a 3 year old little boy (complete with black eye and all)!

Funny story....My mom (Mimi) went with me since I scheduled both boys together, and she had Mitch doing all of the stats stuff while I had Jake. She was telling me later that he did the hearing test and his hearing was great. Mitch, with perfect comedic timing, piped up with, "What you say?"! I just love it! :)

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