Friday, August 8, 2008

5 Kids? What's the big deal?

I had Lindsay's boys, Sam (5 1/2), Gabe (3), and Luke (6 mo.) on Monday for a few hours. Yep...with my two, that makes 5 kids ages 5 and under... Oh yeah! Jack was here, too, and he is always a huge help with the little guys! I was only worried about how I would care for Jake and Luke both at the same time (the older ones are no problem), but that turned out not to be a concern. Lindsay put Luke down for a nap before she left, and when she got back 3 hours later, he was still asleep! I can handle 5 kids! :)

Mitch and Gabe are so funny together. They have been buddies since they were not much older than Jake, and they crack me up sometimes! While both Jake and Luke were napping, Jack and I took Sam, Gabe, and Mitch outside to play. Mitch and Gabe did not want to share the 4-Wheeler (which is almost too small for either of them anyway), so they came up with a solution!

This worked for a little while...then Gabe decided he was done driving Mitch around, and tried to scoot far enough back on the seat that Mitch couldn't get on. Mitch, being Mitch, was determined to get on it anyway...and CRASH! The 4-Wheeler did a wheely and they both landed on the ground! Gotta love those boys! :)

When Lindsay (aka "Cee Cee") got there to pick up the boys, they all piled on her! I walked into the living room, and this is what I of course, I had to get the camera! I love this picture!

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