Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Jack! I'm a little behind... Jack officially became a teenager on July 22, and I'm just now getting the post up. Sorry! Yep, hard to believe, but he is 13. Really, it wasn't THAT long ago that I was 13 (at least that's the way it is my mind)!

Starting on his 10th birthday, Jack started requesting The Melting Pot for his birthday dinner. Literally, we went to Burger King one year and the next it was The Melting Pot... big jump, huh? This year we even took Mitch with us (Mimi kept Jake). It was so yummy, and Mitch did pretty good, especially considering we were there for 3 hours, and our reservations weren't until 7:30pm. It just so happened to be "Girls Night" at the The Melting Pot, so it was a little unexpected "gift" for Jack. :)

Jack wanted a new Ipod for his birthday, so that's what we got him. He got the Ipod Touch, and he loves it! I also made him a scrapbook of his and Gary's trip to Green Bay last fall, and we got him a Packers book. Mitch made him a suncatcher and "bought" him lots of candy (which Mitch ate all of - Jack said he could).

Check out the difference just one year makes! Here's pics of Jack on his 12th birthday and his 13th birthday! I'm amazed every time I look at it!

12 year old

13 years old

(hmm...I'm seeing a pattern in Jack's shirt color preference...)

I seem to have a hard time getting a picture of all 5 of my guys, but here's a great one of 4 of them!

Jack is having his official "party" this weekend. He has invited several of his friends out on the boat for the day on Saturday, and they are spending the night Saturday night. Like there wasn't already enough testosterone in this house, huh? :)

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