Friday, August 8, 2008

Jake is 9 Months

...and 3 days old! He is such a handful these days! I find myself constantly saying, "Mitch didn't do that" or "Mitch was easier than this" or "Mitch spoiled me"! I know I have to stop doing that or poor Jake is going to have a serious complex! But...Mitch was so much easier! Don't get me wrong, compared to a lot of moms, I have it made! Jake is a good sleeper, a good eater, and has the sweetest little personality...but he is into EVERYTHING!

At 9 months, Jake is still "army crawling". I've decided that he will never crawl on hands and knees...seriously! Gary's mom (Gran'ma Judy) says Gary never did, he went straight from army crawling to walking. It's amazing how fast the child can move, though! I blink and he's gone! The other day, I walked out of the room to put my shoes in the closet, and when I came back in he was eating our plant!

One thing he is better about than Mitch was, though, is listening when I say "no". He is really good to leave things alone when I tell him no (most of the time, anyway). He'll just look at me and smile that sweet smile...and go get into something else!

Jake is pulling up and standing in his crib, but nowhere else yet. I don't imagine it will be too much longer, though. He "jabbers" all the time. He loves to talk to himself in the mirror in his car seat. I love listening to his sweet little voice. I'm sorry...did I say "little voice"? There is nothing "little" about it! He is soooo loud! I say "He has his Daddy's volume control issues!"

He is totally a Mommy's boys, too! He has a complete fit if I walk by him without picking him up, and it's insane how loud he can scream if I walk out of the room. The same goes for if Mitch leaves a room. Mitch can calm him like noone else, just by singing ABCs. He loves his big brother!

Jake is just starting to eat some table food. He is still on baby food (and lots of it), but I give him little bits of mine sometimes. Last night he had lasagna and loved it!

His 9 month appointment isn't until the 19th, so I won't know for sure how much he weighs and how long he is until then, but I'll update when I do!

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