Friday, June 6, 2008

Working Hard

The men in my family (which would be everyone except me) have been working hard on the outside of our house lately. Memorial Day weekend, Gary planted lots of flowers and shrubs in our back bed (which was completely empty) and several in the front also.
Here's what he did in the back...

At the time, he was planning on mulching the next week (which was last weekend), but when the weekend rolled around, he wasn't really up to it. I had pointed out to him that if he didn't do it then, he wouldn't have Jack to help him. Saturday, I had a baby shower to go to, and when I came home there was a load mulch dumped in our driveway and all the guys (except Jake) were shovelling mulch! I'm sure Jack loved me for that one! Jack, Alex, Gary, and even Mitch worked all day on that mulch! It looks great, but Gary swears next year, the most work he is doing on mulch is writing a check!

Here are the "after" pictures...

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