Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10 Months!

I'm a few days late (5 to be exact) with Jake's 10 month update, but better late than never!

Jake is still growing like a weed! I am always amazed at just how big he his...and I mean tall! Everywhere we go, someone comments on his red hair and his size... Of course, with me being a 5'3" blonde, they all ask if his Daddy is a tall red head, and leave me to say "No, but my brother is." Needless to say, that can get a few funny looks! Now that I think of it, I think I'll just start saying "Yes". They'll never know the difference. :)

Jake started Mother's Day Out this month, and he seems to like it. He is only going 1 day a week, but it is a nice break. (By the way, it's amazing how quickly I can run into a store with no kids!) He is always playing happily when I get there to pick him up.

Lucky for me, he is still happy for short periods of time in the doorway jumper. He still swings in it instead of jumping, though. His favorite place to be is in the playroom with all of the toys. He entertains himself very well when there are toys for him to play with. He especially likes cars and trucks. He crawls around with Mitch's cars all the time. Yesterday, he actually learned how to work one of them that you pull back and let go. It went sailing across the room and he was so pleased with himself!

He is finally crawling like a normal person. He still reverts to the army crawl every now and then, but it's not all the time any more. I have to admit, I kind of miss the army crawl! He is also pulling up on everything now. He has been pulling up for a while, but only every now and then....not anymore....every time he can, he stands up!

So far I have been spared the stairs. I posted a while back that he had gotten on the first step and I thought that was going to be the beginning of the end, but he's not any interest again. He just like to stand up and hold on to them. I'm sure by the next update, it will be a whole different story. But for now, we're safe!

I love when I go in to get him out of his crib. Instead of standing up holding onto the rail like most kids do...He sits with his legs between the slats and holds onto the slats with each hand. He looks like he's stuck in jail. It is soooo funny!

He has officially said his first word. Are you ready for it? "Ma Ma" Yeah!!!! He says it on demand, and today when he woke up from his nap he actually called for me! Can you believe it? That's about all he has managed to say, but we are working on "Bye Bye" and "Da Da". I think he says "Da" sometimes, but I'm not sure. That is what Mitch called "Daddy" for a long time.

I just can't believe how fast my baby is growing up! My baby won't be a baby for much longer! :(

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