Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Family Fun!

This time I got to go, too! Gary and I took Mitch, Jack, and Jake to race go-carts this weekend. Okay...so Jake didn't actually race go-carts. He just watched, but his time will come, all too soon!

Mitch absolutely LOVES to ride go-carts! He was begging to ride one by himself. Fortunately, even the smallest ones, you have to be 6 to drive. So, I'm safe from that one for a few more years. The passenger has a steering wheel in the double go-carts, but it doesn't move. Mitch wanted my seat, since his steering wheel was "stuck"! I don't think so! He can't even see over the steering wheel!

This was the first time that Gary and Jack had been able to race each other in the fast cars! You have to be 13 to ride by yourself. Since Jack turned 13, they have always had Mitch with them (without me) so they had to ride the doubles. Honestly, I don't even remember which one won, but I bet they do!

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