Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Yes...I know...Halloween in February, but remember? I'm still catching let's pretend, okay?
Anyone who has been within earshot of Mitch in the last year knows that there was never any doubt that Star Wars we a part of our Halloween! So, very early on, we got Mitch's Darth Vader costume and Jake's Yoda costume. I was afraid Mitch was going to have his torn up before we ever made it to Halloween! didn't stop there....
Yep...It was a family affair! I even talked Gary into being Darth Vader also. Mitch was sooooo excited!

Our friends, Amy and Ryan, have a pre & post Trick-or-Treating party every year. As always, it was great! Amy is an amazing hostess and had the dining room all decked out for kiddos. After eating dinner, we all headed out to get some loot! After Trick or Treating we headed back to Amy and Ryan's and let the kids play and dig into some of their treats before calling it a night.

Is he not the cutest little Yoda you've ever seen?
Mitch, Daniel (Thomas's cousin), and Thomas (Amy and Ryan's oldest) enjoying some yummy cupcakes!
Next up...More Tailgating!

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