Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jake's 2 Year Update

On November 10th, I took Jake for his 2-year well visit. He weighed 31 pounds and was 36 inches long. That put him at about the 80th-85th percentile in weight and about the 90th percentile in height. Even the doctor keeps asking me where that is coming from! Apparently he takes after his Uncle Josh in more that just hair color. He is perfectly healthy and happy little boy!

I have been somewhat concerned about his speech. He's not talking as much I feel like he should, so I asked his doctor about it. He felt like he was a little delayed but not enough so to be overly concerned. He referred me to Pediatric Speech Pathologist for an evaluation, but said there was no rush. So I waited until we got through the chaos of the holidays and took him.

She tested his receptive language (what he understands) and his expressive language (what he actually says). He tested ahead in the receptive and a few months behind in his expressive. She said that the gap between the two told her two things: 1) We notice the delay in speech more because he understands so much that we expect him to be able to talk more, and 2) He is not generally delayed, which means that most likely he will have to have to some sort of speech therapy along the way. It is definetely something he is struggling with.

She felt also felt that there was no rush, since we are not currently seeing any behavioral issues associated with frustration from not being able to communicate. Gary and I decided we would wait until he is 2 1/2 and see how is doing at that point. We feel like he will benefit more from the therapy when is a little older and a little more capable of focussing for a longer period of time. If it gets to be a problem behaviorally before then, we'll start sooner. She did give me some suggestions of things that I can do at home to help him, and we've been working on that.

Jake doesn't complete his words. For example, bed is "beh", Mitch is "Mi", dog is "dah", and so on. He does have some words that he says very clearly, such as "Mommy", "Daddy", "Mimi", "Pa", and "Papa". Most of his words (other than names), are one syllable words. He also doesn't put multiple words together yet, which most two year olds do.

Aside from his speech, he is a perfectly normal little 2-year old, in every way! You've heard the phrase "Terrible Twos"? Before Jake, I thought it was a myth. Mitch never hit that phase. making up for it! The child is into EVERYTHING!!!! And he has more energy than any one person should have! It's impossible to be mad at him, though. He still has that sweet little smile that will get him out of trouble every time. He still likes to be carried, and I'm just sucker enough to do it way too often. He plays great. He loves other kids. He still loves to eat. He loves to play ball and race cars. He has started wanting to play PlayStation and Wii with other boys, and they let him (with a fake controller). He is definitley a morning person. Regardless of what time he goes to bed, he's up by 6:30 every morning (occassionally I get lucky enough to get 7:00am). He and Mitch are in the room together, and they both love it. He is quite the little copy-cat. He is really good about going down for his nap, but not so much for bedtime. He usually take about a 2 hour nap, with one or two 3 hour naps a week. He almost always wakes up from his nap grumpy and isn't happy until after he eats his dinner. A snack just doesn't cut it for him. He still likes to wear my shoes, and it still drives his daddy crazy! He is very loud! As a matter of fact....he is JUST LIKE HIS DADDY! :)

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