Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jake Turns 2!

Well, 4 months ago he turned 2, but who's counting?

What do you do for a 2 year old birthday party? PANCAKES & PJS'!!!! Is there anything that Jake likes more than food? I don't think so!

Jake had 5 of his buddies come (and some of Mitch's...most have siblings that are friends with Mitch) play and eat with him. I have to say, those are some of the best 2 year olds I have ever seen in my life!

On to the pictures...

Mommy and her not-so-baby Jake! (Seriously, could he look any LESS like me?)
Mimi and Jake
Jungle Pancakes with all of the "fixin's"!

Birthday Boy with Mommy & Daddy
(and his sippy cup, of course!)

Jungle Pancake Creations

Jake's B-day Cake
So cute and so easy!

Time to blow out the candles! We didn't catch a picture of it, but he actually did blow out his own candles. We couldn't believe it!

Mimi bought him a "bouncy" for his birthday, and we set it up for the kids to play in. It was a gorgeous fall day! So, after we stuffed them full of sugar, we sent them outside to jump and run around. Amazingly, no one got sick. This is one of Jake and Cooper playing.

After the party....enjoying the wrapping from his presents....isn't that such a typical two-year old? :)

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